Tag Archives: brewery rickoli

Fermentation Festival – It Stinks! (In A Good Way)

Obscure Jon Lovitz reference

Obscure Jon Lovitz reference

So there’s a fermentation festival you say? Sauerkraut and Kimchi? Sounds great! Wait, why would someone celebrate fermentation? I say, why wouldn’t someone celebrate fermentation?! I mean, fermentation not only creates probiotics via kombucha and/or kefir, but it’s also responsible for the creation of beer, and according to this study, beer is totally good for you. So we should celebrate it!

mmm! Pickled stuff!

mmm! Pickled stuff!

We decided to take a family trip out to the Fermentation Festival, on 36th and Federal today. There were food trucks, breweries, and distilleries, as well as good old fashioned fermenters. Whether it was someone like Happy Leaf Kombucha giving lessons on how to properly cultivate your own kombucha (which is easier than you think – they even had a starter pack!), MMM Local providing pickled goodies,  or food truck El Toro the Tot supplying kick-ass tots (seriously, they’re the best tots I’ve ever had – my kid made a “squee” noise when he found out they would be at the Fermentation Festival), the FF had something for everyone.

Oh, and there were breweries. Brewery Rickoli, City Star Brewing, Grand Teton Brewing (a favorite of ours), 12° Brewing, Kokopelli Brewing, Großen Bart Brewing (coming soon to a town near you!), Verboten Brewing, and, one of my favorite breweries in Denver, TRVE. There were distilleries, pickleries (is that even a word?) classes on cheese-making, beer-making, and pickling.

The best part? It’s still going on tomorrow. Go there. It’s totally fun. If you see Nick @trve, tell him I sent you. It’ll make me that much cooler.

BTW,  if you’re a CVLT member, you can expect notice about getting first dibs on bottled/tapped Vexovoid sometime soon, likely to be handed out around mid-September or so.